• Greek

The Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia is a Legal Entity under Private Law and an innovative institution with an important role in supporting the Region and the process of Decentralization and Self-Government. The Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia is a powerful tool on a regional, national and European level

  • regarding the use of regional, national and European resources,
  • the application of modern methods of management, organization and administration,
  • and for supporting  the role of the Region of Western Macedonia.

Purpose and duties of the Regional Development Fund of Western Macedonia

  • Management, in accordance to the decisions of the Regional Council regarding the Credits of the Public Investment Program, the financing of public sector bodies and other legal persons, the financing from programs of the European Union and other international organizations and other bodies abroad concerning regional and special development programs of the Region. It is the exception to the current orders concerning public investment. The Regional Development Fund is designated as the Administrator responsible for project payments at the expense of the Public Investment Budget.
  • Supporting the work of the Executive Committee of the Region of Western Macedonia and its relevant Directorate.
  • To support the developmental planning in the wider area of the divisions of the Region of Western Macedonia, by providing the necessary data for the relevant services. Supporting the beneficiaries in the process of prioritizing the projects for their implementation, preparation and integration into the respective operational programs, as well as to support them during their execution until their completion.
  • Technical support to the region, particularly in the field Technical Reports and research, and implementation of programs entrusted to the Regional Development Fund by the Region of Western Macedonia.
  • Management, implementation and payments of regional projects.
  • Imposition, certification and collection of fees, rights and payments to the Fund, following decisions of the Regional Council of Western Macedonia and approval by the Ministry of the Interior, Decentralization and e-Government.
  • Participation in European Union programs.
  • Receiving loans from domestic and foreign financing institutions for the execution of projects, the provision of services and the implementation of programs.
  • The provision of services, the conducting of surveys and the development of technical, economic and organizational reports, as well as the supervision and implementation of programs, which are entrusted to the Fund, by the Ministries, The Region of Western Macedonia, by the Decentralized Government, by municipalities and by Public and Private Bodies.
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